Someone bought 20,000 machines to mine bitcoin in Siberia

Russia reinforced the largest import of bitcoin mining machines (BTC) in history in December 2020. There were 20,000 units of the equipment purchased under the estimated value of $ 40 to 60 million by an unknown company in Siberia. The information was revealed on Wednesday (10) by the Russian portal Kommersant.

Russia reinforced the largest import of bitcoin mining machines (BTC) in history in December 2020. There were 20,000 units of the equipment purchased under the estimated value of $ 40 to 60 million by an unknown company in Siberia. The information was revealed on Wednesday (10) by the Russian portal Kommersant.

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Machine set has 70 megawatts of capacity
In the report, Igor Runets, CEO of ButRiver data center (type of data processing company that usually extracts cryptography), explained that 14 trucks were used to deliver 20,000 bitcoin mining machines to Russia's Irkutsk region. The equipment together has 70 MW (megawatts) of capacity.

The mining machines all came from Asia and were specifically destined for the Russian city called Bratsk. However, Runets declined to say more details about the manufacturer, the models of the equipment and who the recipient is. The buyer was not revealed because it is a highly confidential data processing center.

Equipment is probably ASIC model
However, another Kommersant interviewee, Sergey Troshin of Sweden's Six-Nines data center, said it was most likely an order for modern bitcoin mining ASICs. This type of machine is composed of powerful data processing hardware and is dedicated exclusively to a pre-established activity in the system.
Since the price of each of these machines is around US $ 2 to 3 thousand, the amount purchased is equivalent to at least US $ 40 million in bitcoin miners. The report states that this import is the largest single purchase of such equipment in Russia in all of history.

Russian regulations do not include mining
Russian legislation is still very unspecified in terms of crypto mining. Basically, current laws do not mention activity, but cryptocurrency transactions are subject to several rules.

Heard by Decrypt, Filipp Modnov, the CEO of another industrial data center called LAZM, said that most large Russian companies that operate mining cryptocurrencies are able to reconcile the activity with the country's current crypto laws.

“We are aware of our colleagues' business structure, which is similar to ours. Mining does not imply receiving cryptocurrencies in the territory of the Russian Federation, so no special license is required, ”said Modnov.

"Customers and investors receive data processed abroad sent from a data center in Russia", as a kind of export of computing power, he explains. "In the same way, cryptocurrency also appears abroad," he concludes. In this way, no cryptocurrency transactions take place in the country.

With information: Decrypt
